? ??????????????Gir? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.9 (34 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 5955 Total Grabs. ??????Preview
?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Tasmanian Devil? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (623 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 31221 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, June 29, 2009

U$inG bLoGs tO EnhAnCe sTuDeNt'$ CompEtenCy iN aCqUiRiNg EnGLisH lAnGuAgE.

What makes blogging different from writing to any other kind of web site.? For one thing , the tools. In terms of using blogs, students can use blogs forreflective journaling- summarizing class discussions, reflecting on what they learned during a class activity or project, sharing ideas to applying what they learned to their own practice, and so on. In addition, the objectives:
i) To encourage students to articulate their ideas and perspectives, make thier thinking visible,
and be brave and bold about thier contributions to the greater discourse.
ii) To engage students in reflection on the subject, requiring them to critically analyze ideas.
Because, student blog are linking together in our course community, thre is sosial context that
support a unique caliber of toughfulness.
iii) To encourage students to see themselves as participating and contributing members of a
professional community of practice, using their blogs as:
-avenues for garnering feedback on ideas from course and community colleagues
-oppurtunities for collaboration with colleagues.
iv) To help students express themselves and share their ideas and perspectives in an articulate
way, to write, organize thier writing and develop a habit of writing.
Using blogs to enhance student's competency in acquiring english language. Blogging tends to reinforce a more casual. Informal writing style can be more inviting to the community, allowing community members to feel more comfortable participating in the conversation. It is helpful to keep this in mind when we involve students with blogging.